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All these Gods created a number of examinations that must be passed before you can climb in Saxon Switzerland. Since Herakles and Odysseus a lot has changed. Today travellers have to resist biting on the steering wheel instead of following the ancient Sirens. ;-)

Straße car
Get into the car and join the traffic jam!
traffic jam
During the rush hour the city of Dresden is regulary packed with cars. No way out. Even the city of Pirna is not necessarily better. Coming from the federal highway (Autobahn) you should take a look at the map and prevent driving through Dresden.
road constructions
Pirna, state highway B172

In Pirna there are obstructions due to detours and the construction of a new bridge over the river Elbe. A big trafic jam is to expect there.

Dresden, Pillnitzer Landstrasse (north of river Elbe)
For those who try to reach Pirna on the other side of the river Elbe there are several road constructions on the street Pillnitzer Landstrasse as well.
renamed exit
For all those travellers who come from far away, the exit name of the Autobahn BAB13 at Dresden Nord is now Hellerau. Of course there is not a notice for that change. Be careful when you count the exits because now there is one more exit between the Autobahn triangle and Dresden.

There is not much that has changed. Sufficent space in the parking lots is still difficult to find on sunny weekends but the fees are still the same as the year before (2,50 DM to 10,00 DM). Only the fee for the parking lot at Neumannmuehle is raised from 4,00 DM to 5,00 DM at Easter time (it might be that it was just because of the holiday).
Moreover, parking in the glen of the river Kirnitzsch (Kirnitzschtal) always causes trouble. Please try to be sensitive. First, the german traffic law is to be watched there as well and, second, there are some special rules for the National Park to be watched. You should not park your car where ever you turn off the engine and if you walk a distance any longer than your car you will not be prosecuted as a wandering tramp. You can reach the trails to the summits from parking lots other than those located near the summit; it all is part of the adventure!


Dresden information - road report

Zug publik traffic

The climbing areas of Wehlen, Rauensteine/Nonne, Rathen and Schmilka can be reached easily and comfortably by the railways. The areas of Schrammsteine and Brand are also reachable by the railways but not without a longer distance walk. Finally, the tram in the glen of the river Kirnitzsch (Kirnitzschtalbahn) opens access to the area of Kuhstall.
During summertime the trains go every 30 minutes, a one way ticket costs you 7,70 DM from Dresden to Rathen (plus 1,00 DM for the ferry). A family ticket that is valid for two adults and their children on both ways costs you 20,00 DM.
In fact, there is no need to go always by car.

info Link zur DB Fahrplanauskunft
Flugzeug flights
There is also an airport in Dresden.
Foto der Sächsischen Dampfschiffart (c) Saxon steam navigation
There are steam ships transportating tourists regulary between Dresden and Tetschen (Czech Republik). Though even old, small and pushed by Diesel, the steamers have not lost their gorgeous flair. So forget about the two new steamers purchased by the city of Dresden; they do not belong in a rustic setting. Besides, a tour from Dresden to Saxon Switzerland is only marginally worth. A tour from Wehlen to Bad Schandau is more recommended, but the best will be the opposite direction. The best way to reach Bad Schandau from Dresden is going by train.
info Schedule
Weltkarte maps and findings
info maps and findings will be provided by MS ExpediaMaps

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